
The Grug Brained Developer
complexity bad

This looks like a gamified programming challenge, in a format sort of like cryptohack (but much less content), with a focus on distributed systems. Seems like a fun way to play with distributed systems programming in a gamified environment.

One of many well-delivered talks about the Roc language.

Roc Tutorial
I just noticed that Roc has a tutorial now! The last time I poked at it, it was difficult to find any documentation. Now there's a pretty neat onborading guide. I'm excited for Roc. I enjoy the aesthetics of the language, and totally trust Richard Feldman's design sensibility. Let's hope this goes places. Also: this might be a good language for Advent of Code 2023.

I really liked this article. It's well written, easy to understand, motivating, requires extremely little previous knowledge - and covers a lot of ground. It has cool visualizations and neat minimals examples of critical princples. I liked it. Go read it. It's fun, I promise.

Virker som en meget god ide: en fødereret protokol hvor klienter ikke er begrænset til at bruge én server, og man behøver ikke stole på nogle af relaysne.

Wow jeg har fundet en helt vildt fed hjemmeside

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